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Welcome to the XMTP examples page. Here, you'll find a variety of code examples, projects, and apps to help you get started with building your own applications using XMTP.


A quickstart is a brief guide or repo aimed at helping XMTP developers to understand core build primitives from the network.

Example apps

Example apps are more comprehensive than quickstarts. They are fully functional applications built with XMTP that showcase a broader range of features and use-cases.

  • React Playground app
    A tool to help you build your own app with XMTP, including reactions, replies, read receipts, and attachments
  • Inbox Web
    XMTP official client, aiming to showcase effective and innovative ways of building with XMTP.

Wallet connectors

Wallet connectors are essential components in decentralized applications (dApps). They allow users to connect their cryptocurrency wallets to the dApp, enabling them to sign transactions and interact with the blockchain. Different wallet connectors support different wallets and XMTP works out of the box with most of them.

  • 0xPass
    Quickstart app for building a progressive web app (PWA) with a 0xPass wallet connector
  • Dynamic
    Quickstart app for building a PWA with a Dynamic wallet connector
  • MetaMask
    Quickstart app for building a PWA with a MetaMask wallet connector
  • Privy
    Quickstart app for building a PWA with a Privy wallet connector
  • ThirdWeb
    Quickstart app for building a PWA with a Thirdweb wallet connector
  • WalletConnect
    Quickstart app for building a PWA with a WalletConnect wallet connector

Other integrations

These projects provide a robust foundation for building your own applications using XMTP. They are designed to demonstrate XMTP compatibility and include pre-configured setups for ease of use.

  • Next.js
    Floating inbox quickstart app in Next.js. Use it to help you build your own app with XMTP.
  • Vue.js
    A tutorial and quickstart app for building a chatbot in VueJS. Use them to help you build your own app with XMTP.
  • Node.js
    Quickstart code for creating a new XMTP client, initiating a conversation, and sending a message in Node.js
  • Firebase Functions
    Quickstart code for integrating an XMTP app with Firebase functions

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